Letters From Jane

Hi Everyone! My name is Jane. I am the new resident at Blake Veterinary Hospital. The two-legged folks tell me that I am around 2 years old and that I am called an American Bulldog. I am here to share with you all my story and to give you some information every month to help guide you on how to care for us and things to watch out for.

A few weeks ago I was wondering the streets somewhere in Dade City. I don’t remember much prior to that except I was not feeling well, I was hungry, and had a large sore on my neck that hurt a lot. The nice people at Blake Veterinary Hospital took me in, gave me something that made me sleepy and by the time I woke up, whatever was on my neck was not hurting as much anymore. They told me it was a choker chain that was imbedded into my skin. I think I remember someone putting me away in a back yard and tying me up with a chain. But for some reason I got loose and started wondering the streets.

After this experience the girls and Dr. Blake wanted me to help share with you some of the dangers involving choker chains. With my experience, I don’t advise anyone to leave one on a tied up dog. They say I am lucky that I did not get even more injured or worse, I could have choked and wouldn’t be here talking (well I should say blogging whatever that is) to you. One of the girls brought me a collar that goes on my nose instead of my neck, they say I look like a horse with it on and it feels a little funky, but it’s better than having a collar rubbing on my sore. I am told that there are many safer alternatives that you can use to train your dog that are less painful. Please talk to your doggie doc to learn those alternatives. He or she may even recommend a trainer that you can contact to help.

After the doctor got me fixed up, he took me to his house for the weekend! It was really nice, I got to lay on the couch, got into a very large bed, but I had a hard time to share it with the other dog that he had living there. It had been such a long time since I had any attention, when I got some that weekend I did not want to let it go!

But I got sick again. So the doctor brought me back in and fixed me up again! He fixed something that they call and abscess on my shoulder that hurt like the dickens! But after that was over and got some medicine for an infection (man these new words are sometimes confusing!) I am feeling better again! But they also gave me some white chalky stuff they said will get rid of “intestinal parasites” (whatever they are). It did not taste too good!

Well that was last weeks adventure. This week was much better except that for some reason they gave me something to make me sleep again. When I woke up I was told that they did this thing called a spay. They said it was important for my health and that I won’t be able to have any more puppies.

Which reminds me, the girls here want me to mention that this month is National Adopt a Shelter Pet. I am told that there are many other dogs, cats, and other species of pets that need homes and people who are willing to take care of them. It seems that I have found my permanent residency here, other pets deserve the same thing. If you want a purebred, before you decide to buy a pet from a breeder, you should seek out the many breed rescues that are out there. I am told that a lot of rescues also are looking for fosters for their pets too. I hear there is a shortage of them! That sounds bad! You should look into that!

Well that’s all that I have for this month. I enjoyed sharing with you all my stories. Be sure to come back next month to see how my new adventure goes at Blake Veterinary Hospital. You may see me once in a while wagging my tail, greeting you as you come in the door. Ooooo! I just saw a squirrel in my yard! Gotta go chase it! Bye everyone!

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